It's tough. When one tries to follow 3 different anime at the same time.
I'm just so eager to get to the end of the current episode, so I can watch the other animes. Yet I don't wanna skip or miss any part of the episode that I am watching, so I sit through the whole 30 minutes. It's like waiting for the LRT when you're already late - you can only wait.
It's like a hike into the mountains. Before reaching the summit, you gotta conquer numerous mountain slopes. So you start off with the first slope, and you're dying to reach to the top of the current slope. When you finally conquered the current slope, you look up just to see another higher slope ahead of you. Rinse and repeat.
Oh my, watching anime is suppose to be fun, since when have I put watching anime in par with the hardships of conquering a mountain. At the end of the day, after speed-anime-watching, I can't even remember half of the things that have transpired in the anime. Which will cause me to re-watch the whole series. orz
First anime: Initial D
Me and my first-generation Proton Saga. Just like takumi and his AE86. =P
I was helping my frined 'chai bao' and 'jing mei' to move their room, when I stumbled upon his INITIAL D collection. Awesome, realized how much I've neglected my car. Now where can I learn drifting in Malaysia...
Second anime: Lucky Star
How I wish I'm Konata's oyaji XD
Lucky Star really reminds me of Azumanga Daoih, mainly because of their story telling. It is pretty much slow paced but lol, Lucky Star sure has some crazy moments. Especially when they take reference from Keroro or Haruhi. Literally burst into laughter when Konata a.k.a Legendary Girl A visited her local anime/manga shop. Hmm, won't it be nice if we had a shop like that in Malaysia. =ω=
Third anime: N/A (censored anime title)
Hsk hsk shk... daro.. ne?
Bla bla blahz... yadda yadda yaddaa... Zzzz... hmm, this anime is 13 episode long, and it involves... Lol, I'm not telling anything on the third anime... =P
Mmm, wholesome anime bliss. Good for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well, luckily though, Lucky Star is a running anime, which means I can only torrent in weekly; I'm nearing completion for the third anime, so now there's just INITIAL D to catch up. Gosh, it's really got me hooked. After watching it I started to pay attention to my clutch-gas pedalling. And looking at all the fast car, makes me wanna modify my Saga. Lol.
Now, let's see what other anime's are worth watching. Hsk hsk hsk.

This is what happens when you watch different anime together. Konata inherits Yui~nesan's mad driving skillz.