Every chinese new year my family would 'go back' to my grandparents house in Pahang. It's located in Jerkoh, a small idyllic town just further down Raub. We've been going there for CNYs and holiday visits since I was like borned. Lol.
It's your typical Malaysia 'kampung', which I really like. Why? Coz of the trees, the ultra-low density and firendly peeps. All of my cousins and relatives are super friendly and generous lol. Just gotta lov em'.
I brought me trusty S5 for some shots this trip. I was hoping to shoot a lot, considering there is so much 'content' in the place which I was about to visit. But surprisingly, I wasn't able to shoot much! Meaning... I have to work on my ability to visualize a good shot?

Panaroma of my grandparents house, click to enlarge. (They have both passed away though, so now my uncle and aunty lives there. Freakin huge compound, they even have an orchard at the back of the house, sheet, me wants).
Anyway, as usual, here are some of the more, ahem, interesting shots I've taken... imho... =_=" K then, take it away.

Haha, even I wish a bug can stay put in such a nice position. The bugger was already dead, I posed it on the branch for this shot. Lol.
This bugger creeped my cousin sisters out. Lol, he keeps comin into the house and buzzed around. My cousin sisters were running all over the house lolx. Being the cool wolf as I am, I stayed put, along with my cousin bros. Found him dead the next mornin'. Hope he was able to, ahem, do his stuff b4 dying =P.

The mysterious garage was filled with all sorts of 'junk'. Go berserk with B&W again.
When I was a kid, everytime I visit, I always explore the old 'smoke house' with my cousins (I guess they called it 'smoke house' coz it was used to smoke cocoa beans b4, not sure though). That old garage was full of mysteries and fear for me that time. But now, as I grew more fearless, the mysteries seem to have disappeared. Now, it just seemed like an old insignificant bland boring abandon building which is used to keep stuff. Ahh, pity pity.

Argh, wrong focus shot. Was suppose to aim at the head, but ended up focus on the butt. (It was TOO sunny that morning, dun have the patience to adjust =P ) =_=" Argh, just spoil it with some corny captions bah... muahaha

Trying to shoot some dragon flies dancing on the small stream. Dam these things fly fast. Bet its singing 'Can't touch this' from MC Hammer...

Finally the buggers stay put. One of the more satisfactory shots.

Caught this guy hiding under the car window's visor. My friend Chee's dam 'favorite' creepy crawlies, lolx.
Ahh, it's always good to be able to gather with relatives during the festive seasons. We'd all exchange intel' n stories. This year we even had a surprise visit from a cousin sis which we've not seen in so long, lol.
Oh, and nature photography is so f*ckin' addictive. It would be the best thing to do... if minus the damn mosquitoes. =_="

oooohh...love you insect shots!
Lol, hah glad u like em.
Come to think of it, most of the pics are insects pics, wahaha, i dint even noticed that. =_=
the. dead. bug. is. scary...
hehehhe but gotta love the other pictures minus the spidey one >.<
Hah, that dead cicada is actually quite big... I'd say the size of an egg.
Haha, girls are afraid of bugs afterall huh? =P
heheheh but i supposed i was quite brave when i'm with the weaker ones =p
i went bushwalking with this angmoh guy and i bravely take those spiders off his tops with bare hands >.< man i m so brave hahahhaha....
i love ladybirds and dragonflies though =p
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