The World Cyber Games Malaysia was held in Mid Valley on the 8th and 9th of September. For those of you who haven't heard of the WCG, it is the Olympics for computer games. Just like the Olympics with it's many sporting competition, the WCG feature many games in which players compete with each other for the coveted championship.
Every participating country will hold national competitions to find the best player to be sent for the finals. This year, the finals will be held in Seattle, USA. Imagine, if you become the national champion for the game that you are competing in, you are SPONSORED to go to Seattle, USA!! How cool is that! FOC trip!!
Anyways, this year, my college-mate/friend Hofa joined the Warcraft 3 game competition He came all the way from Johor, so he bunked at my rented place in KL for the duration of the 2 day competition. I tagged along and tried to cover the event as he fought in the cyber arena.
The schedule of WCG was quite early. When we reached Mid Valley around 9 a.m. the venue was already filled with participants. I never thought gamers wake up so early! (At least not me, always gamin' till the late of night =P ).

Participants waiting for the opening ceremony. They are either discussing strategies...

...or saying this, in a co-ordinated voice. Okay okay, so not all of them are WC3 players.
But seriously WCG Malaysia, no-custom key policy for WC3, what kind of crap is that!?
I'm not sure about the other games, but they have a really dumb-ass shit rule about not allowing Warcraft 3 players to use custom shortcut keys. For now, I'll just say it is nonsense. More on this issue in the coming post.

Well, after the doors finally opened, everyone went into the exhibition/performance hall. Most people went to the stage area to await the opening ceremony. I was hopin for some hawt action but boy, it was boring. Started out with the typical speeches, which is then followed by some shuffle dance by a dance group called M.A.D. Talk about madness, why'd they even let a three-male-ONE-female group dance in an event where 99% of the participants are GUYS! WCG Malaysia, hot girls dancing in 2008 please. (No offence to the dancers lah =P ) I was quite dis-interested that I din even bother to snap any photos... lolx.
Walking around, mostly are sponsors booths like Samsung, Logitech, Intel, etc. There were LCD's on demo, and more notable the Nintendo Wii for demo play. The most elaborate booth was the Lineage II booth. They even had a rock band corner where various local indie band performed.
Uhh, one of the live band in the Lineage II booth. This indian singer seem like to scream a lot =_="
I grooved to the live music, and took quick constant glimpes at the cosplay/booth girls as I played Lineage II on their demo pc's... gosh, some snacks and better air-conditioning will be better. Lolx. Geek!!!
Did I say cosplay girl? Yes I did, oh yes indeed I did... coming up in part 2? XD

"Don't use me as bait wokeh?"

Wah, Channel [V] leh! WCG Malaysia 2007 is worthy of appearing in a slot of Channel [V]?
Well, all in all, I rather enjoyed the whole event. It surely wasn't as grand as the real WCG, but I kinda got a taste of it. After going through with the event, it made me feel like wanting to join the fight next year. If you are a gamer, never heard of WCG, and want to know more, check out the main WCG site, and our local Malaysia WCG site.

Keke, mayb in the next post? ;)
Plastic chairs?! OMG is that concrete floor!? not even carpeted??
Malaysia memang boleh.
even not letting those competitors to use custom keys, if not letting those gamers to do so, at least to let them know earlier...
bad...really bad...
whole WCG juz can feel M'sia's style, CHEAP!!!but pretended very pro...
hey, looking for ur part 2 man!
dun 卖关子ther
cosplay cosplay faster write hayaku hayaku =p
the only thing close to cosplay i saw in japan was more goth than hotness:
ahhh i should go to their cosplay gathering when i was there...
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