Woohoo! Finally got my first REVOLTECH figure! Ladies and gents, here's REVOLTECH figure no.14 - Patlabor Ingram AV-98-2. For the uninitiated, this mecha is from the anime series "Patlabor" (which is a short form of 'Patrol Labor'). The anime revolves around Noa Izumi with the cast, and the various Patlabors in their daily routine of curbing crimes.
REVOLTECH figure's main attraction is in their renowned ball joints. With the specially designed ball joints, owners can pose the figure in many 'fashionable' ways. When I took the photos of the Patlabor, I had a lot of fun posing the figure in so many ways. Well, check em out!

Box art

Package contents

Watch out yo' I've got me'self a big arse shotgun!

Patlabor:"Dam, I am too cool."

Flying kick.

Wow, so many poses. Me likes!
Now for some fun. =P

Whoohooo!!!cant hold to post comments here!!!actually since ur 1st post i wanna leave comment, but wori will spoil ur blog here, so avtime oso juz 潜水(dive under water)...
but not this time!!!those Patlabor's poses really dam coooooolllL!!!!u noe
u oso noe tat i cant hold for the poses...dam ying!!!it even can do a side kick!!! standing w juz single leg!!!omg!!!i dun wanna waste ny money for this moment, b4 i complete my SD and MG...
oh no!!!goin to grab the MSIA or HCMPro liou...
plz get me a pail, my 口水is rushing out...
those story scene oso vr 抵死...DAM cutez man!!!hv u thinking to to walk into this field if not an IT engineer now?
hoping more on ur post in future
sori if my comment annoying...
ganbatte man!!!
Lol, glad you like them man. I really enjoy posing them. Go get one now!! EVA-01!!
Kaka, being a police eh. Issit a 'dream'? Wish there is a calling for me.
P.S. @_@ comment annoying? Where'd you get an idea like that? Imho, only comments that doesn't relate to the blog post; or comments that attack the blogger personally are annoying. Else, anything are welcome!
yr posts are so good - super enjoy reading them man. kudos to the great work, must add u to my blog roll =p
whoa!c u hv so many supporter!!!hop u kip ur work up!haa...
heard u saying like this, i'll kip on posting my comment de lo, haa...
coz i always wori will spoil ur cool blog ma
GANBATTE for all ur works den!!
hope to njoy ur nex post asap!
kip it up man!
i just started watching patlabor - got interested to it all thanks to your post =p
and i just remembered I had a similar post (but not interesting and dont think anyone can understand) http://lasilasi.blogspot.com/2006/06/fights-between-two-empires.html#/
Albeit old school, its a nime anime! >.<
Anime nowadays can't seem to catch adventure and action like that anymoar.
Wahaha, saw your post. Lego!! FTW!!
Bro, I am captivated by this posting. First of all, I am Patlabor fan and this comic style narration is excellent! Great photography skill as well!
Yo Dennis, glad u enjoyed the post =)
Hah, your comment re-ignited my passion to write the follow up to this post.
Currently my 'studio' is occupied by the unfinished ArmoredCore, lol. Time to put my part 2 ideas to work. XD
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