Taken with me Canon S5 on maximum zoom... in a moving car! Image stabilizer rox!!!
I couldn't remember when was the last time I woke up at 7am-so-darn-early... on a cool Sunday mornin. No, not to deliver the morning newspaper. No, not to go jogging. But it's to go bohling! Tada! You wouldn't have guessed it right? Lol. Even my sister laughed at the idea when I told her about it.
Well, if you've been following my blog, you'd know that me and some of my pals go bohling quite frequently. So they found out a place that offers a great deal to go bohling: maximum playitme, minimum payment. The drawback is, the deal's on only on mornings. They've been goin to the session for quite sometime now, and this is the first time I'm joining them on the morning session.
After a hearty breakfast on a traditional kopi-tiam (OMG, it's been so long since I've tasted warmly cooked wantan mee in the morning >.<... it's small moments like these, makes me feel A-LIFE!), we took off to our destination for the mornin bohling sessison.

Yeah, where's me darn TURKEYYYYYY!!!??? XXX
Haha, the pic above is not a paranormal shot. Just after our initial games, the bohling center encountered a power disruption. The whole center went pitch black, and being the enthusiastic bohlers as we are, all the patrons yelled: "Boo... money back!", "Woo, extend time lor!"
In the end, the power came back on. We watched as all the other lanes come to life. And we were staring at our bohling lane's blank monitors. Then a technician walked to our terminal and fixed up some electronics. =_=" Gosh, was it our lane that tripped the power? Yikes.
Anyhow, the bohling went on until around 1 p.m. After that we went to Pudu area to eat some famous char-siew rice. Well I'll be! Those char-siew really taste good. Mayb take some shots if I go next time =). After lunch, its off to the Bandai warehouse sales... GUNDAMS!!!

上了车... means "@%$#&*, I've been god damn duped\suckered liao."
Heh, that is a partial pic of the Bandai warehouse sale at their warehouse in Cheras. Received news of it from my fellow friend/blogger John (too bad you weren't able to come down dude). I guess mayb coz I was at the last day of the sales, there weren't much Gundam models left. The pic may seem like a lot, but there isn't. Or is it just me?

Lots of other toys though. Wonders what's on those empty shelves at the back? のほほん? Dam, I want those!!

The 'warehouse' is actually just one part of the main office and the display room upstairs. There isn't much room. Even the stairs are riddled with toys.

This is what I got. Went to the lowyat area to check the retail price. Whew, I bought it cheaper during the sale. XD My first ever Gundam MG! (I'd wish it was the GP03S though.)
Anyway, after the Bandai warehouse sale, we headed off to the Lowyat area to check out some notebooks. My friend's girl friend wanted to get a MacBook. Wow. After checking out the Asus EEE pc and the MacBook, she went with the MacBook in the end. Haha. Good deal. Should've taken some pics of the MacBook, it's dam sleeeeek!
By the time I got home, it's already 9pm. Dam, I fell asleep during the ride home and was awaken by my friend when he drove over a speed bump. "So that I can wake you up!" , he said. *_*
And now here I am makin a brief blog of today's all-day-hot-weather outing. Miraculously, even as I type, I feel quite energetic. Proves that I'm still dam young, heh. Okay then peeps, until the next post, stay tuned, good night and good luck!
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