The WGT was held from the 26th to the 28th of October 2007. Held at OneUtama shopping mall, not the most 'accesible' locale(due to the lack of LRT's, which is the bulk of transport most ppl use) compared to other more friendly locations like KL Convention Center or even the MidValley which the WCG 2007 was hosted.

Mmm, all orange. Me likes orange.
This happens to be the first ever WGT in Malaysia, and I'm a part of it... Well, at least the joining part, not the winning part. XD
I joined the competitions for Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne of the torunament. Since the game's release 5 years ago, I've been casually playing it. From the campaign missions, to online play of customa maps, '3 Corridors' back when I was in INTI, to the recent Dota. Never have I really 'seriously' played the melee mode, up until now.

Moar orange
My Warcraft 3 sensei Hofa gave me some comprehensive teachings before the game. Alas, a few days of intensive training can't save this poor student. I was paired up with one of the top playes in Malaysia and was gracefully eliminated during the 32 player elimination round. And I even applied a one day annual leave from work for it! >.<
Well how can an event be without some booth babes eh? Haha, I was anticipating some sorts of booth babe since this is a sponsored event so I went there prepared with my trusty ol' Canon S5. Snaped some pics. Yes yes, I know my camera skillz are still lacking... I'll improve. Maybe.

Camo outfit + babe = win! She said its the first time she's representing a booth. No worries girl, you are stunning, bright future!

Woot, enjoy Intel 'Core 2 Duo'. Hiaks hiaks. I sure wouldn't mind '2 cores' runnin' on my 'pc'. Lol... =_=" Just jk, no offence ya? Ahh, it's good that this male monopolised event has some beauties to grace it's grounds.
Okay, perv jokes aside, all in all, it's been a refreshing experience. It has been quite some time since I've felt adrenalin pumping through my veins; and the chill that runs down my spine facing off with an opponent.
I will definitely want to join more competitions from now on.

Warcraft sensei Hofa. A hundred thanks for your guidance during the training man. We shall forge an alliance in future warfare.
"A Victory today, to be defeated tommorow.
A Lost today, to be redeemed another day.
Fight to live, live to fight."
A Lost today, to be redeemed another day.
Fight to live, live to fight."
- Hajime on The Fight
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