This post have excessive Photoshop filter effects, viewer discretion is advised

Yup, it's what the titles says. 2 major locale visits during the day; and 1 major 'workout' at night, all in one single day. It was fun, but exhausting (the fact that I was still recuperating from seasonal influenza didn't help too).
Me, Chee, Jane(Chee's gf), Chua and Beh headed off to Bukit Tinggi in the early mornin. Upon arrival, we visited the French Town. I'll spare you the more generic photos I took there and post some more, ahem, 'interesting' shots. I hope. Here's some (post edited) pic's. My my, I went Photoshop filter crazy this time. Do comments... if you hav any ;).



"Pine conezzzz"

I call this "Hidden picture". Observe =). Would it be better if I had not added that line-art-guy? I think so.

"In silence we wait" I kinda liked the original composition of this photo. 3 of my friends was seated seperately (You can see the head of the middle chair). I guess the effects kinda messed with the lights (left side too dark). And the shot seemed kinda 'cramped', dam, wish I had a wide angle lens. =_=
Wokeh, so after the French Town, we headed to the nearby Japan Gardens. We walked around and went to a 'jungle walk' which leads to an observation deck near the Japan Gardens. Again, I'll spare you the flora shots I took there and present you with some 'alternatives'.

"Wapanese Garden". Nuff said.



The 'end' of the jungle walk. Not one of the 'artsy' shots, just kinda like how the side canopies reveal the far scene.
Well, it was near noon when we left Bukit Tinggi and headed off to Genting.

Leaving Bukit Tinggi
Went to Gotong Jaya (foothills of Genting) to taste some special treats. You guys can go try out next time when you go to Genting.

Heh, my camera stayed inside my bag from there on. Since we are going into the casino, I left my camera in the car. Basically I just 'looked around' in the casino. I don't gamble in there. =P
At night, we went to Mid-Valley to bohling. There I bought my bohling shoes. No more wearing those 'public toilet' shoes, wahaha. Me hav own shuz. Me scorez 150++.
A very fulfilling day-out. Dam, I can do this 24*7*365. If only.